People say that as you get older, you become wiser. This is true and one of the most welcoming parts of getting old. But there are a few unwelcoming aspects of getting old as well. These aspects are a reality of life, and as hard as one might try to avoid them, they can’t be avoided.
One such unwelcoming aspect is our skin getting saggy and loose. This sagginess in the skin further results in drooping cheeks. As much as we accept that it is a part of growing old. Let’s be honest; we don’t like it when we look at ourselves in a mirror. It seems like we are a shell of ourselves in youth.
Thankfully, with advancements in technology and beauty sciences, there are ways to fix the problem or limit it to an extent. Here in this blog, we will discuss some of the most common beauty treatments to avoid drooping cheeks. Before we discuss the remedies, let’s look at some of the reasons this occurs.
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Causes of Drooping Cheeks
The primary reason our skin gets loose and saggy is a lack of collagen in our bodies. There are various factors, some natural and some in our control, why this precious protein is lost. The most natural and uncontrollable factor is our age.
As we get older, the production of collagen is reduced in our bodies, therefore, resulting in saggy skin. Another unavoidable factor is genetics as well.
Although we can not control getting older, there are some other factors in our control that also deprives our body of collagen. There is scientific proof that smoking causes a lack of collagen production.
The chemicals in tobacco kill collagen. We can also limit our exposure to sunlight as the UV rays in sunlight cause collagen to break faster (Keep that in mind before your next sunny resort vacation!)
Some other factors which cause decay in collagen are high sugar consumption, Sudden weight loss, and Facial muscle degradation.
Now that we know about some common causes. Let’s just go ahead and look at some of the common ways to remedy the horror that is brooding cheeks.
Beauty Treatment For Drooping Cheeks
Botox Injections
The method is considered to be one of the best solutions for saggy cheeks. As most of us are more trustworthy of something a celebrity does, botox certainly qualifies. Most celebrities opt for botox injections as they are minimally invasive. The best thing about getting botox injections is that this method does not require any surgery.
The discovery of Botox as a beauty treatment was made in 1978. Initially, this treatment was used to treat crossed eyes. By the end of 1989, Botox, or Botulinum toxin as it was known at the time, got FDA approval. By the year 2002, Botox was started to be used as a tool in cosmetic surgery.
If we look into how botox works, it actually involves injecting botox into the lower part of the cheeks. Some cosmetic surgeons also inject them into the jaw and neck. The results of Botox are phenomenal as it reduces the effect of loose and saggy skin, gives the look of a perfectly symmetrical jawline, it also takes care of small wrinkles, and, most importantly, offers a youthful look to your cheeks.
While some may consider getting a facelift to be a little overboard, we say, to each its own. Yes, non-surgical ways can improve how you look tremendously. But nothing can beat the results of getting a facelift. A facelift is a fancy word for plastic surgery. Plastic surgery has been in use since ancient times. In fact, its origin can be traced all the way back to 1600 BC.
In terms of modern facelifts, they began trending in the 1990s. Facelifts are not only a heavenly method of beauty treatment for your brooding cheeks. They have been used increasingly to do reconstruction surgeries.
There are two main types of facelifts, The Mini Facelift or The Traditional Facelift. Let’s look briefly at what goes on in both of them.
Mini Facelift
This facelift is suitable for patients with mild needs. If you do not have a lot of loose skin, then you should go for this method. In this method, small incisions are made to tighten the facial tissues and lift the jawline. If you’re worried about these incisions being visible, fear not; any good cosmetic surgeon will cleverly cover these up along your hairline.
This is a highly favored method for youthful rejuvenation in your face. Although the incisions made are small and less painful, it is still recommended to perform this under the influence of local anesthesia.
Traditional Facelift
This technique of facelifts is generally reserved for older people who have a ton of saggy skin. Naturally, as the objective is to tighten a lot of facial tissues, the incisions are advanced. It also involved the lifting of the jawline and correcting the jowls.
As this is an advanced procedure, it is recommended to carefully choose an experienced surgeon. We also suggest that this procedure be done under the influence of full anesthesia.
Dermal Fillers
Dermal Filler is a method of lifting your drooping cheeks which have come into the mainstream fairly recently. Although the use of this method has increased just recently, they have been in the market for quite some time now.
Dermal fillers are well known for their ability to fix volume loss of the cheek. This method has become a staple in the beauty treatment industry due to many of its advantages. For example, this technique is minimally invasive. There is also very little downtime in this method, and most importantly, the results are instant.
One drawback of this technique is that they are not permanent. A good quality filler will only last about two years. So you can book it so that there will be multiple trips to your cosmetic surgeon.
Platelet Rich Formula
We all are fascinated by Vampires, are we not? Well, this Platelet Rich Formula (PRF) is also commonly known as Vampire facial. In recent times, this technique of treatment for your saggy cheeks has blown the market. Their impact is so big that they have been dubbed ”The Fountain of Youth”.
While, as of now, there is no conclusive proof whether this method works or not, still this method is widely accepted as a non-surgical method. The benefits of this technique include increasing volume to loose cheeks; it is also known to help get rid of small wrinkles. Another bonus of opting for this method is that it will also help with acne scars.
PRF is actually a 3 step method. In this method, some blood is taken from your arm. Further, your blood is spun in a centrifuge which will separate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This further boosts natural collagen production. Finally, the PRP is then injected into the area requiring additional collagen.
Any relatively young person who observes the beginning of saggy skin is recommended to opt for this method. This method does not require any incisions or drawing of blood. The use of lasers is paramount for this method to work. One of the best things about this method is that the whole process can be completed in just half an hour.
The technique used in this method is also relatively simple. This cosmetic treatment involves lasers and radiotherapy to heat the deepest part of the dermis. This further promotes natural collagen production while also firming up the skin’s surface.
Another benefit is that this is a completely non-surgical procedure. So many of you who are afraid of needles or knives can also opt for this method.
Another method suitable to younger people is none other than Ultherapy. This amazing method to take care of your saggy and loose skin is completely non-invasive. Another bonus is not having a lot of downtime with this technique. Although the changes are subtle, that does not mean this method is not worth it.
As you may be able to guess, Ul in Ultherapy stands for an ultrasound. No surprise, this technique involves the use of ultrasound. With the help of ultrasound, this method promotes skin tightness while also lifting and emphasizing the definition of your cheek. A session of this in-office method lasts around 60-90 minutes.
This method does have a slight side-effect. The treated area may be reddish and warm after the treatment. Though, that all goes away in just a few minutes while the results stay on for a lot longer.
Cheek Implants
This net method has both pros and cons. The pro is that it will take care of your problem of drooping cheeks for a long time. But the con is that it is a surgical procedure and also has a lot of downtime.
Cheek implants are one of the most commonly used methods for people of older age and have a lot of sagging and loose skin. This method includes the insertion of silicone implants.
There are three shapes of implants generally used, Submalar, Malar, and Combined. As we stated earlier, this method is a highly surgical procedure, and the intention is to make the implants permanent. Although, these implants can be taken out if desired.
Subdermal Skin Tightening
The last most commonly used beauty treatment used in the market is Subdermal Skin Tightening. This method is applied under the skin. The technique used in this relatively new method is Dual Thermal Effect.
Some people may confuse this method with run-of-the-mill liposuction, but they are not the same. Although, this method is generally used along with liposuction.
With the Dual Thermal Effect, the dermis is both heated and cooled at the same time. This results in great skin tightening without damaging the tissues.
This method has some strict steps that need to be followed both pre and post-operation. For example, you would need to wear a compression garment for three days (24 hours a day).
Natural Remedies
Now that we have looked at all the primary surgical or cosmetic methods to take care of your drooping cheeks, let’s have a look at some natural remedies as well. Granted, cosmetic treatments have much better results, but it doesn’t hurt to cover all the bases.
Aloe Vera Gel
Anyone who has done even a tiny bit of research regarding home remedies knows the value of the Aloe Vera Gel. To those who don’t know, let’s just say Aloe Vera is a godsend for all your skin care needs. This gel contains malic acid, which boosts skin elasticity.
Using this remedy is as simple as they come. Just take a good quality Aloe Vera Gel (you can also extract it directly from the leaf but mind the thorns), apply it to your skin, and leave it for about 15 minutes. Further, just rinse your face with some lukewarm water and see the results for yourself.
Oil Massage
Another natural remedy is just a simple massage with oil. This method will not only tighten your skin but also make it smoother and clearer. The best kind of oil to use for massages is olive oil. This is due to the increased levels of Vitamin E and Vitamin A and not to mention its anti-aging qualities.
The use of this method is fairly straightforward as well. Just take some slightly warm olive oil and massage your face and neck for about 10 minutes. Once your massage is done, leave in the oil for a few minutes and then take a lukewarm water-dipped cloth and wipe off your face.
In case you do not have olive oil, you can also use Virgin Coconut oil or Jojoba oil.
Ground Coffee and Coconut Oil
Yes, you read it correctly, coffee is not just used to wake up our sleepy heads. The caffeine in coffee has many properties which help in firming up the skin. This is done by eliminating the fat and moisturizing the skin. Coffee is also full of antioxidants which help in exfoliating the skin.
This remedy requires a few other ingredients. Other than 1/4 cup of coffee, this requires two tablespoons of coconut oil, 1/4 cup of brown sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon.
To use this method, first, you need to mix up all the ingredients and gently scrub your face with the mixture. Then, leave it for 5 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Rosemary and Cucumber
This method is probably the most “expensive” home remedy available. Rosemary oil is excellent for toning your skin and also improving blood circulation. It is also full of antioxidants.
For this remedy, all you need is one tablespoon of rosemary oil and half a cucumber. The use is also very easy. You just need to grind a peeled cucumber and add your rosemary oil to it. Once this is done, apply the resulting paste on your face and leave it in for about 20 mins. Finally, rinse off your face with lukewarm water, and you’re all set.
Egg White and Honey
Our final recommended home remedy might seem a little unconventional to some but trust us, it works. An egg is full of proteins, and egg whites help in fixing the problem of sagging skin. The proteins and egg help in rebuilding cells which results in the tightening and firming of the skin.
For this method, all that’s required is one egg white and two tablespoons of honey. The use is very easy as well. Just mix the egg white and honey. Apply the resulting paste on your face and neck and leave it in for about 15-20 minutes. Once that is done, wash off your face with cold water.
There is no secret that everyone wants to look the best they can be at all times. But aging is both a beautiful and cruel thing. While it will make you wiser, it will also take a toll on your looks. Many people take care of their skin with the sole purpose of aging well, but it doesn’t always pan out that way.
Some may be too busy in their lives to even worry about aging well. The good news is that with new inventions in the field of beauty treatments, there are solutions to almost all problems.
One of the most significant issues while aging has drooping cheeks. Well, as we covered in the blog above, there are plenty of solutions to that problem now. From surgical to non-surgical, from invasive to non-invasive, there are solutions for all now.