Did you know that wrinkled eyelids are actually a thing that can affect the outlook of your face largely? With again and contact exposure to UV rays, not only your face but your eyelids also get wrinkled.
This sagging effect on your eyelids and around your eyes makes you look old by the day and deteriorates your appearance. So what should you do to prevent them? Let us discuss the causes, prevention, and cure of wrinkled eyelids.
Table of Contents
Causes of Wrinkled Eyelids
Wrinkled or droopy eyelids are caused by multiple reasons, the most important one being skin aging. The skin around the eyelids, especially that of women, is the thinnest. Also, it is liable to constant movement, which makes it tiring and exhausting soon.
It is also exposed to the sun’s UV rays and other dirt and dust particle every day. The combination of all these problems causes the eyelids to stretch a lot, and with age, they become loosened and baggy.
Also, the body has a lot of fat at a young age, and with growing age, the body loses fat, because of which the eyes become hollow, the eyelids become loose, and the skin wrinkles.
Some other causes of wrinkled eyelids include
- Loss of Volume- With age, the ptosis fat of the face melts, and the face experiences bone reabsorption. This leads to malar support reduction and sagging of the facial tissues, leading to sagging of the eyelids.
- Repeated Movement of the Eyelid- Our eye blinks 15 to 20 thousand times a day. This number has become whopping over the years, and repeated eyelid movement causes wrinkles. This is caused due to superficial dermal and epidermal breaks.
- Reduced Dermal Thickness- Collagen and hyaluronic acid are essential for maintaining the thickness of the skin. With time, their destruction overtakes their production, and the skin becomes thin. Consequently, small wrinkles start appearing over the eye.
- Loss of Elasticity- with time and age, elastin production in the body also reduces, which makes the eyelids lose their elasticity and become wrinkled.
- Dehydration- The eyelids can become dry sooner than the rest of the face as they have fewer glands. They are more prone to dehydration, and thus if you do not hydrate your body and your eyelids regularly, they might become wrinkled.
- Stretching and Rubbing- Some people have a bad habit of rubbing their eyes, and their eyelids get stretched as a result. This can be done when they feel irritation in the eye or while removing eye makeup. To ensure your eyelids do not wrinkle soon, you must avoid rubbing and stretching your eyes.
Prevent Your Eyelids From Getting Wrinkled
Taking care of your eyelids from a younger age is essential to ensure they do not become wrinkled or baggy with age. Therefore, you must follow some precautions if you want to maintain the texture and flexibility of your eyelids.
Use Gentle Make-up Remover
You must ensure that while removing the makeup from your eyes, you do not rub them or apply force. Instead, you must use a makeup remover that is powerful and gentle, with which you can remove your eye makeup with one stroke.
Conduct Exercises for Your Eyelids
Just like there are face exercises to keep your face fit and stiff, there are some exercises that impact the eyelid muscles of your face. When you do these exercises, these muscles tighten the eyelid skin and lift up your skin to the perfect position. These include muscle stimulation, resistance exercise, Trataka, etc.
Use Sunglasses When Going Out
To protect your eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun (which are one of the biggest causes of wrinkled eyelids), you must cover your eyes while going out in the sun. You can wear good large sunglasses that can cover your eyes completely and offer them UV protection. You can also wear hats that have adequate coverage to safeguard your eyes.
Hydrate Your Eyes
When you keep your body sufficiently hydrated, your eyes become hydrated too. However, you can also hydrate your eyes specifically by applying hydrating eye serum or some hydrating cream or gel. There are multiple day and night creams for the eyes with which you can ensure that your eyelids are healthy and hydrated.
Boost Collagen
Boosting Collagen is also beneficial to ensure your eyelid’s rigidity and strength. You can either boost Collagen naturally by eating foods rich in Vitamin C and Ginseng or can boost it with the help of collagen-boosting eye creams and facial masks. Also, you can apply aloe vera to your eyes to ensure that the production of Collagen in the eye region never stops.
Avoid Using Products with Retinol
Many eye products contain Retinol in them. It is harmful to the eyes, as it can cause irritation and thins the epidermis of the eyelids. This, in return, causes wrinkled eyelids. Therefore, you must try that the products you use- whether for makeup or for skincare, are free of Retinol.
How to Cure Wrinkled Eyelids?
If you are mid-aged or have already started experiencing the problem of wrinkled eyelids, don’t worry! You can still perform a lot of things to reduce the effects of wrinkles on your eyelids and around your eyes.
Natural Ways to Cure Wrinkles
Mentioned below are a few natural ways of curing wrinkled eyelids, which comprise easily available natural products.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera stands among the best remedy for almost every skin problem. It is rich in healing properties. Studies suggest that applying aloe vera on the eyes for 90 days straight can help reduce the appearance of eyelid wrinkles. It also provides Collagen and hydration to the eyelids, which help in making the skin smooth and stretched.
Banana Mask
Bananas are filled with the goodness of natural oils and vitamins, which boost the health of the skin and help you get rid of multiple skin problems, including wrinkles. All you need to do is mash a banana to form a smooth paste and apply it over your eyelids. After keeping it there for 15-20 minutes, rinse it off with warm water. Ensure that the paste doesn’t go into your eyes. You can take someone else’s help if required.
Using copper-oxide pillowcases
If you want to take the best care of your face and eyelids and prevent wrinkles altogether, you must focus on the type of pillowcase you use while sleeping. Silk is filled with proteins and is hypoallergenic, and thus is a good choice for pillowcases. However, having a copper-oxide pillowcase can help reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the skin.
Essential Oils
Essential oils come with skin-healing properties, and applying them on the skin after mixing them with carrier oil helps reduce wrinkles. However, while using essential oils, you must dilute them and apply them in a combination that can help in healing the skin without causing irritation. Some essential oils that can prove to be beneficial for eyelid wrinkles include-
- Jojoba
- Lavender
- Rosemary
- Sandalwood
- Neroli
- Grapeseed
- Carrot seed
- Argan
- Pomegranate
- Rose, etc.
Some carrier oils that can be used to dilute and use these essential oils(ref) include- almond oil, argan oil, fractionated coconut oil, evening primrose oil, etc. However, you should also ensure that your skin is not allergic to essential oils and that they suit well to your skin. For this, you must apply a small batch of essential oil to your wrist or arm and observe it for 24 hours. If you experience any feeling of burning, stinging, or redness, then essential oils are not suitable for you.
Egg Whites
Egg whites are beneficial for the health of the skin. But what is more beneficial is the thin membrane, which separates the egg whites from the egg shells. It can be either applied directly on the skin or can be mashed to make a paste. However, you must ensure that your skin is not allergic to eggs before applying it.
Doing facial massage daily for 3 to 5 minutes can help you prevent or reduce wrinkles. You can either use a hand-held facial massage device for the same or just do a simple massage on the face gently with your fingers. You can also use Vitamin C oil to do the massage.
If you want a relaxing time for yourself, you can also go to your nearby spa regularly to get a facial massage done, which will help tighten your facial skin. For the best results, you can use an anti-aging cream or serum or an anti-aging device available in the market to do so.
Consume Foods Supporting Wrinkle Reduction
There are a plethora of foods that are highly beneficial in preventing and curing wrinkles on the face and eyelids. Let us now read in detail about all that can help you in your journey of getting rid of wrinkled eyelids.
Benefiting diet
To prevent or cure wrinkled eyelids, you must inculcate into your diet foods rich in health-benefiting nutrients. These foods boost the overall health of the skin and prevent and cure wrinkles on the face and eyelids. Some of the most advantageous superfoods for skin include-
- Avocados
- Cinnamon
- Chia seeds
- Ginger
- Oatmeal
- Sweet potatoes
- Tomatoes
- Artichokes
- Walnuts, etc.
Olive Oil
Consuming olive oil and its byproducts, such as the leaves and the stems, helps increase collagen levels of the skin and thus protects it from developing wrinkles. Apart from this, vegetables, including lentils, beans, legumes, tomatoes, and broccoli, are also beneficial in preventing and curing wrinkles. You can create a balanced diet for the good health of your skin, but you must be aware of the food allergies you have if any.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that facilitates the creation of Collagen in the skin. It is found in fruits and vegetables such as peppers, guava, rosehips, orange, lemon, kale, etc.
Adding sufficient minerals to your diet helps promote skin healing, prevent skin damage, and filter sunlight so that it doesn’t harm your skin. The two most essential minerals are Zinc and selenium, which boost skin health. Zinc is found in oatmeal, almonds, beans, peas, cheese, oysters, etc. Selenium can be found in yogurt, spinach, sunflower seeds, bananas, etc. However, you must also consult a doctor or a nutritionist before adding it to your diet to prevent too much addition.
Yogurt and Probiotics
Probiotics are nutrients found in yogurt. They are also sold separately as supplements. They are very beneficial in boosting the overall health of the skin. You can consume probiotics or even apply them to the skin to see the results.
Artificial and Surgical Ways to Cure Wrinkled Eyelids
If you are looking for instant results and believe in the power of facial surgeries and nonsurgical treatments, science has come up with multiple ways that can help you reduce wrinkles on eyelids and other parts of the face. Some of them are discussed below.
The most common ones are Botox or Dysport injections, which are widely famous for tightening the skin and removing wrinkles around the eyes. They help by correcting the eyelid tissues and offering you a younger look. Many doctors around the world help people of age get rid of problems such as wrinkles through injections.
If your eyes become hollow due to wrinkles, Hyaluronic acid gel fillers might be a good option for you. By using products such as Sculptra and Juvéderm fillers, doctors fill in extra volume to your eye region and fill in the crevices around your eyes. However, it is a temporary treatment, and to maintain the volume, you need to get fillers injected at regular intervals.
Eyelid Surgery
There are multiple procedures of eyelid surgery- blepharoplasty being the most famous one. It helps remove excess skin or fat on the eyelids, which in return tightens your skin. It treats the problems of wrinkled eyelids to a great extent but does not cure them completely.
Fat Removal/Repositioning
Fat removal and fat repositioning are two more ways in which doctors can treat the problem of wrinkled eyelids. The process of fat removal offers you a rejuvenating effect and removes excess fat, skin, and bags on the eye. Fat repositioning, on the contrary, is the process in which oculoplastic surgeons reposition the fat to other areas.
While surgeries and cosmetic treatments are undertaken by some people across the world just for their looks, they are mostly used in severe cases, such as when wrinkled eyelids hinder your vision or become a serious problem.
Final Words
In conclusion, the best way to ensure you do not have to face the problem of wrinkled eyelids is that you prevent it initially. From a young age, you must take care of your eyes and the skin on your face and around your eyes.
This includes lifestyle and dietary changes. You must ensure that whatever you eat and how you live your life poses no negative effect on your eyes.